Visiting the AFHSD Office
Currently, the AFHSD office is not manned to entertain visit requests. Please email us at AF.HO.AFHSO.Research@us.af.mil to ask your question.
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The AFHSD Web site may link to other government, military and organizational web sites that are deemed reliable and useful to our visitors. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Air Force or the Department of Defense of these web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein. The AFHSD does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations nor can we guarantee the availability of these sites. Please let us know about existing external links which you believe are inappropriate or inaccurate by calling (202) 404-2166 or using the contact us form on this website.
Loaning - Selling our AFHMP publications
AFHSD participates in interlibrary loans of select items to other libraries. People wishing to borrow items only found in the AFHSD collection are encouraged to speak to the interlibrary loan department of their local library to submit a request. AFHSD does not sell its own publications directly to the public. Many of our publications are available for purchase from the Government Publishing Office online bookstore or used book vendors.
Freedom of Information Act