Unit Histories


Various Air Force organizations have prepared and submitted unit histories periodically since the establishment of the Air Force History Program in 1942. Reporting requirements have changed from time to time over the years, and the submissions vary in quality.

The coverage provided by unit histories is supplemented by special collections, including historical monographs and studies; oral history interview transcripts; end-of-tour reports; personal papers of retired general officers and other Air Force personnel; reference materials on the early period of military aviation; course materials of the Air Corps Tactical School of the 1920s and 1930s; working documents of various joint and combined commands; miscellaneous documents or collections of various organizations, including the U.S. Army, British Air Ministry, and German Air Force; USAF individual aircraft record cards; and a large collection of material relating to USAF activities in the war in Southeast Asia and Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

These materials are available at the at the
Air Force Historical Support Division in Washington, D.C., and at the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL. Researchers can request reference assistance, or request permission to visit the agencies and use these materials in person.

Many of these materials can be purchased from AFHRA on 16mm microfilm, and sometimes in CD format. For further information, E-mail:
AFHRANEWS@maxwell.af.mil, or write to AFHRA/ISAM, 600 Chennault Circle, Bldg 1405, Maxwell AFB, AL, 36112-6424

Additional information may be available from the following organizations:

NARA - National Archives and Records Administration

DTIC - Defense Technical Information Center

NTIS - National Technical Information Service